at Asagiri Kogen, Fujinomiya, Japan |
Name : Muchammad Nurul Fajri
Birth date / place : Bandar Lampung / December 30, 1994Blood Type : AB
Hobbies : cycling, running, climbing, gaming, swimming
Motto : "Knowledge is Power"
Educational history (graduate year) :
- Public Elementary School 2 of Langkapura (2006)
- Public Middle School 14 of Bandar Lampung (2009)
- Private High School Perintis 2 of Bandar Lampung (2012)
- Department of Fisheries and Marine Science (Study of Aquaculture), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung (2017)
- Department of Biological Science, Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Integrated Science, Shizuoka University (2020)
Languages abilities :
Bahasa Indonesia (native), Malay, English, & Japanese.
Society Activities :
- Vice President of Islamic Study Club (ROHIS) in High School Perintis 2 of Bandar Lampung (2011-2012)
- Member of Economical and Secretariate Comittee, Forum of Muslim Student Association (FORKAPMI), Bandar Lampung (2011)
- Member of Spiritual Comitee, Association of Aquaculture Students of Lampung University (HIDRILA) (2013-2015)
- Member of Qurán Teaching Bureau, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung (2013-2015)
- Teaching assistant of Ichthyology, Aquatic Microbiology, Aquatic Invertebrate (2014), Fisheries Biology (2014 & 2015), Parasites and Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Technology of Live Feed Culture (2015), and Fish Immunology (2015-2016)
- Field Practice “Genetic Diversity of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with Microsatellite DNA Analysis” in Bio Aquaculture Lab, Laboratory for the Development of Industrial Technology for Agriculture and Biomedic (LAPTIAB), Agency for the Assesment and Application of Technology (BPPT), at Serpong, South Tangerang, Indonesia. (2015)
- Community Development “Implementation of Integrated Science and Technoogy to empower society and form national characters through strengthening family functions” at Bawang village, Punduh Pidada sub-district, Pesawaran district, Lampung (2016)
- Member of Social and Religion division in Inonesian Student Association in Shizuoka, Japan (PPI Shizuoka Jepang) (2018-2019)
- Chief of Shizuoka University's Indonesian Student Forum (FORMASHI) (2019-2020)
Life Achievements :
- 3rd winner in Inovation Writing Competition at Lampung University. title : “River cleaning program OWOR (One Week One River) for reducing river trash and restoration the ecological function of river” (2014)
- 2nd winner in National Essay Competition ECOSOUNDSATION 2015 at Lambung Mangkurat University. Title “Potential of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria as Organic Waste Bioremediation Agent in Whiteleg Shrimp Pond (Litopenaeus vannamei) (2015)
- Finalist of National Scientific Competition of Tirtayasa Research Competition and Festival at Faculty of Engineering, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon, Banten “Implementation of Satoumi concept to support local wisdom of Shrimp ponds environmental management” (2016)
- Finisher of 5K Running Competition in "Lampung Bay Fun Run 2018" (2018)
- Awardee of Asian Bridge Program (ABP) Shizuoka University, Japan (2018)
Research :
- Fajri, M.N., Supono, & D.S.C. Utomo. 2016. Effectivity of Bacillus polymyxa and Bacillus coagulans Combination to Growth and Survival Rate of Whiteleg Shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) cultured in low salinity water. [Thesis]
- Analysis of Temperature Tolerance in Japanese Chum Salmon (Onchorynchus keta). [Research on Progress]
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